7 Steps with Us
Clinical Insourcing Mobilisation Process
Our dedicated specialist will engage with you to understand your exact requirements.
Confirm candidates that fit the skill mix required. Trust reviews CVs, and shortlists them, to confirm who they’d like to choose.
An onsite visit with the appropriate staff will be scheduled to walk through and understand how the department is run to ensure a seamless delivery of our service.
Share information on the patient pathway, policies, and procedures, Clinical Governance, escalation process, complaints process, IT systems, operational division engagement etc.
Discuss KPI, patient satisfaction forms, reporting of activity, clinical audits
Prior to contract commencing arrange Teams meeting to ensure all relevant paperwork has been signed off, share staffing schedule, IT logins approved, induction training confirmed.
Liaise with Trust after day one to assess how things went and agree on the frequency of calls required. We would recommend a minimum of a weekly call. This enables us to work together to successfully deliver a seamless extension to your service.